All About Crowding and Crooked Teeth At Manoa Dental
Crowding and Crooked Teeth Treatment
Crooked teeth or otherwise known as crowding in orthodontic terms refer to the jaws, upper or lower or both, not having enough space for teeth to erupt. As a result, the teeth erupt in crooked. Many times, with other orthodontic or braces treatment, teeth are straightened but at the sacrifice in the removal of several teeth. These teeth are removed or extracted so that space can be created so the teeth can be straighten. This is will usually result in lack of room for the tongue. This can increase gag reflex. The retraction of the midface which can result in an older and ages appearance due to the collapse of the lips, jaw and chin and upper face. This can also narrowing of the airway. This narrowing of the airway can cause sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea. so that space can be created to Here at Manoa Dental, we can prevent crowding and crooked teeth by making the jaw larger and wider so that the teeth will have room to come in or erupt. This is called Functional Orthodontics.