Sleep Apnea and Snoring

All About Snoring and Sleep Apnea at Manoa Dental

snoring and sleep apnea treatment in honoluluAre you looking for an alternative to CPAP? Dr. Keri Do and Dr. Malcolm Choy have extensive experience treating sleep apnea and snoring, so you get the rest you deserve. At Manoa Dental, we can treat the root cause and not just mask it. Our dentists thoroughly assess your situation and only recommend solutions that offer long-term benefits. You can trust us to always have your best interests at heart while providing exceptional care. If you're seeking treatment for sleep apnea, contact our office today to schedule your consultation with our friendly dental team.


What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects more than 18 million Americans each year. It has a higher prevalence in men than in women. OSA is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, chronic inflammatory disease, the destruction of the stomatognathic system, and many other systemic diseases.

Symptoms may include excessive daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, choking, and/or gasping for breath during sleep. Basically, the sleep apnea patient is choking himself/herself to death because the body is not getting enough oxygen. Long-term effects may include stroke, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and early death.

Failure to diagnose and fully treat sleep apnea can lead to several secondary, yet serious, medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular distress, and sleep deprivation. Our sleep apnea experts work with you to determine the right course of treatment for your unique needs and situation to give you relief and help prevent these problems from developing.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

A narrowed airway causes sleep apnea in combination with the relaxation of the soft tissue in the back of the throat. In addition to the complete blockage of the air pathways, sleep apnea can be caused by neurological signaling failures, preventing the brain from sending the correct nerve signal to initiate deep breathing. When this happens, the brain wakes the body to reinitiate breathing, causing patients to wake frequently throughout the night.

While sleep apnea can happen to anyone at any age, certain associated risk factors may increase the likelihood of developing the condition. These risk factors include obesity, substance abuse and smoking, genetic predisposition, anatomy, age, and gender.

Differentiating Between Sleep Apnea and Snoring

It is important to note that snoring is an early form of sleep apnea caused by a narrowed airway and the relaxation of the tissues at the back of the throat during sleep. Relaxation causes these tissues to partially block airflow, causing vibrations and snoring sounds.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by a narrowed airway and the complete blockage due to the collapse of tissues at the back of the throat during sleep, thus wholly obstructing airflow. Attempts to compensate for the closure lead to the signature deep snoring as well as the choking or gasping as sufferers try to inhale.

Our Treatment of Sleep Apnea 

sleep apnea treatment in honoluluWhat many don't know is that there is a link between your airway and your bite. How your teeth and jaws come together can affect your airway. When your jaw is forward, this opens the airway, and when the jaw is back, this closes the airway. We offer treatment options that treat the root cause of obstructive sleep apnea: the airway. With the use of orthodontics, we can move your teeth and jaw to a position where your airway will open and stay open permanently, or we can create a custom dental appliance that opens the airway when you sleep. Dental appliances also prevent the clenching of jaws and the grinding of teeth.

However, not all appliances are designed the same. Some other appliances are made without any knowledge of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and airway anatomy, which can worsen your bite long-term and be uncomfortable to wear. At Manoa Dental, our appliances are custom designed to your correct airway position and TMJ alignment.

We base our designs on the detailed images we obtain from performing a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan, not on guessing the position of your jaw. Dr. Keri Do is the authority on how the relationship between the jaw (TMJ), the bite, and the airway can cause sleep apnea. She has had her work published in medical journals and teaches a course to dentists around the nation on sleep apnea and jaw relationships.

Real, Practical, and Effective Results for Sleep Apnea 

At Manoa Dental, all our sleep apnea treatments do not require the use of machines or surgeries and open your airway naturally. A restful night's sleep is a vital component of helping you function at your best every day. With our  sleep apnea treatments, we find the correct options for you that give you the full night's rest you deserve. To find out how we can help you, click here to schedule your consultation appointment today!

treating sleep apnea in honolulu


*No Machines

*No Surgeries

*Open the Airway Naturally

To find out how we can help you, schedule your consultation appointment today.

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